LABORATORY ASTROPHYSICS: tracking the evolution of cosmic matter towards molecular complexity



Laboratory astrophysics is one the most powerful support to the interpretation of observation of baryonic matter in space. The development of high-performance ground-based and space telescopes observing the galactic and extra-galactic universe, together with large missions exploring the solar system are providing a wealth of information on complex molecular matter. The discovery of new exo-worlds together with the return of extra-terrestrial samples is very promising and exciting.

Molecules exist in the Universe in a wide variety of environments and under a huge range of conditions, varying from ultra-low to ultra-high temperatures and densities. Laboratory Astrophysics aims to recreate these environments, to characterize the fundamental properties of matter and its evolution under specific controlled physical conditions. Scientists have to show great ingenuity to reproduce relevant conditions in the laboratory.


This school focuses on advanced techniques used to produce, analyze and investigate the properties and the evolution of extraterrestrial analogs in the laboratory, dedicated to improve our understanding of the origin and evolution of complex molecular matter observed in space, from dense molecular clouds up to the formation of new stars, planetary bodies and comets. The program will present a wide range of complementary and advanced methods developed in recent years in close connection to the most relevant astronomical observations. Emphasis will be put on the degree of chemical and/or structural complexity which can be achieved in the gas and solid phases and at their interface under space conditions. The methods used to characterize the physics of silicates and carbonaceous dust, and to investigate the formation/destruction processes of ices will be detailed. Techniques used to analyze matter from cometary and true-extra-terrestrial origins will also be presented.

All participants are also encouraged to present their own research through the form of a poster.



Registration and payment are distinct. Your registration must be accompanied by a description of your motivations. Once your registration has been validated, you can proceed through the payment through a link that will be provided by email.

With the exception of participants already fully registered (in this case your name appears in the participation list), a new application for the 2023 session is necessary, even if you did apply last year for the 2022 session.

All participants are expected to attend the school in its entirety. Participants must arrive on Sunday February 5th (after 3pm) and leave on Friday February 10th (after 2 pm).

Registration fees include

  • full board, from dinner on the day of arrival to lunch on the day of departure
  • services offered on site: coffee breaks, library, IT space, leisure facilities (piano, bikes, ping-pong, table soccer, etc.).
  • Only credit card payements are accepted. A link to pay online will be provided after confirmation of your registration by the scientific organizing committee.

Researchers and Post-docs: 600 € TTC                                             PhD : 360  € TTC

Les Houches                







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